A curated list based on the amount of favorited “hearts,” saves and waitlist requests received by items and brands over the year, the digital luxury consignment shop found Gucci to be the most popular designer, with Dior, Chanel, Off-White and Louis Vuitton holding top niche spots. The year’s most popular items were dominated by footwear: according to The RealReal’s calculations, the popularity of Dior’s J’Adior pumps has grown three-fold, while women’s Chanel sneakers increased in popularity by 67 percent in October.
Men’s Off-White x Nike sneakers grew by 75 percent over the past three months, and the Gucci “Ace” kick clocked in as the company’s most sought-after men’s sneaker style for the year. Gucci also became the site’s most obsessed-over designer for women and men, and …